Archive for the ‘Wheelman’ Category


March 9, 2009

This has actually been bothering me every since I first saw these screenshots from the new Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. The one screenshot I am referring to (above) has been posted on just about every video game website and blog. I can’t for the life of me, figure out why they would release this specific screenshot of Riddick. Is it just me, or is Vin Diesels head way too small for his body? I’m no character artist as most of my readers know, but I have a really good eye for proportions.
Look at it in comparison to the screenshots of Wheelman. In the Riddick shots, he has no neck! It looks really awkward. And if you say, oh that’s just the angle the shot was taken, well when I played the Riddick demo I could see the same awkwardness with his head. It just doesn’t look right. Especially when compared to Wheelman.

Here are a couple more screenshots I found on Google. To me, it looks like the developers of Riddick, Starbreeze, should have gone back to the drawing board one more time. Which is saying a lot coming from me, because they made one of the best games I’ve ever played on the 360, The Darkness.
I don’t know if I even have a point I’m trying to make here. All I know is, that Vin Diesel in Wheelman looks way better than Vin Diesel in Riddick. I believe Midway and Starbreeze both worked with Vin Diesels Tigon Studios, so you would think they would end up using the same character model. So why does he look better in Wheelman? Is it just the lighting? I don’t know, I just wanted to point out how bad that Riddick screenshot looks I guess. They should really stop promoting the game with such an awful picture. If I were to base my next game purchase on these screenshots, I would have to pick Wheelman. I played both demos the other night, I guess it was “Vin Diesel night” on Xbox Live or something and I can confirm my impressions were right. Wheelman was a funner game and Vin looked better in the game. What do you think? Am I off base here?