Archive for the ‘Westwood College’ Category


March 6, 2009

I don’t claim to be an expert when it comes to deciding on what game design school to go to. Actually, I don’t claim to be an expert in anything. However, I have applied, attended and successfully completed a game design program and I have gained skills I never imagined possible. I have not been offered a job yet as I am continuing to increase my skills to a point where a game studio takes notice. (Would be doing a lot better if I wasn’t spending my time building this blog, but it’s fun so I’m not stopping!) Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you view my situation, I have been getting tons of experience in the whole process of game design education and what you need to do before and after attending school. From creating and consistently updating your game portfolio, to searching and applying to game studios, to preparing and doing phone and in-person interviews. I’ve done it all so far and I want to share my thoughts with those of you interested in attending a game design school and those who have recently graduated and you’re trying to decide what to do next.

A few months back I was given an opportunity to write some content for Westwood College. Does that school sound familiar? Well it should. It’s one of the many schools in North America that provide a game art and design program and could quite possibly be on your list of schools to learn more about. I remember looking at their program, knowing they were only about 20 minutes from home, but I decided to enroll elsewhere. It had nothing to do with me not wanting to go to Westwood specifically, I just wanted to move away from home. I wanted an adventure. I wanted the “life experience” I knew I would gain, which is why I chose Vancouver, BC, Canada. Anyway, long story short, they wanted me to write some things on game design education for a new blog they’re working on and I’d like to talk about what I wrote and give you insight on what I think you should know.
This is from one student to another, instead of coming from a recruiter or something you would read on a game design school website. I want to help prepare you to make the decision on whether an education in game design is something for you. Because believe me, it’s not for everyone! I remember quite a few students dropping out throughout the year, for a myriad of reasons, but for the most part.. game design schools are intense! It’s no joke. Most try to shove 2-4 years worth of knowledge into your brain in one tiny year or two. So if this is something you want to do, be prepared.

If you head on over to, you’ll see what I wrote for my first freelance writing opportunity. I don’t believe the site is done yet but that’s ok. What matters is the content I wrote. There are 10 different web pages and the links to each one are on the right hand side. Remember, this article is for people who are expressing interest in game art and design and specifically, getting an education at a game design college. If you’ve already been hired at a game studio or if you’re already well on your way to getting hired soon, this is not for you.

I can’t repeat myself enough how clueless I was on my first week of school at Vancouver Institute of Media Arts. I didn’t know what to prepare for as I did not have access to information like the information I am trying to provide to you today. Which is why I spent a lot of time writing this for other people out there that are just as clueless as I was. What is a game school? What software programs will I be learning? What can I do before I go to school that will increase my chances of succeeding? What careers will be available to me after completing a game design education? What courses will I be taking? Will I get a degree or do I even need a degree? I try to answer all these questions and give you my honest opinion, based off my personal experience, on what game art & design schools are all about. I hope some of you can gain some insight and if you do, or even if you don’t.. whatever, please leave a comment and tell me what you think. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask.