Archive for the ‘Webseries Promo’ Category


September 9, 2009

This Wall-E look-a-like robot, Claptrap from Borderlands, takes us behind the scenes of Gearbox Software’s new game in a hilarious web series. I am really liking where developers are going with their promo’s recently. With Comic Jumper just a couple of days ago giving me a laugh and now this? This is what helps sell your game. For me, humor is golden. Make me laugh, and I will buy your game, assuming there will be more laughs to come. Make me cry? Well, that’s not something I anticipate doing anytime soon in a video game. For now, let’s stick with the laughing as a lot of us could use a bit more of that in our lives.

Thanks Gearbox Software. You have taken a route in your Borderlands promotion that I believe will be more successful than just showing off the action, the amount of weapons, and the generic commercials we see with typical games. I am starting to believe Borderlands will not be that typical game we have become so used to. Pre-order is in order? I think so.