Archive for the ‘UAV’ Category


December 27, 2008

With technology dramatically advancing each year, it was only a matter of time before the U.S. Military jumped into the “next gen” technological advance that is today’s video game consoles and wireless controllers. Imagine, the military’s around the world fighting each other on the battlefield using the same frantic motions as you do playing Wii Tennis. Now, I don’t know if it will get that extreme but you can form a pretty interesting visual in your head where this could eventually lead. Talon Robot Operations is leading the charge to implement a Wii Remote controlled vehicle but it is a few years away from being operational. It could be here sooner than we think since the military is already using modified Xbox 360 controllers to fly UAV operations in Iraq. As the military inches closer and closer into this inevitable partnership with the game industry, career opportunities will continue to expand for not only people in the armed forces but gamers and game developers as well.

Game controllers getting droned…
Using the Wiimote makes sense…