Archive for the ‘U.K. Game Development’ Category


September 4, 2009
(Currently, Train2Game is for U.K. based residents only. The courses might be offered in other countries when it becomes more popular.)

So many schools, so little time and money to actually attend them. Am I right? Wouldn’t it be nice to learn more about game design from the comfort of your own home? Some schools offer this ‘at home’ advantage, but I am primarily speaking about the game design schools in the states. So what if you’re in the U.K.? What do you do? Where do you go? Well, Train2Game has the answer. A quick look at the video above gives you a lot of the information you need to know and I can only hope that they, or companies similar to Train2Game, will offer programs like this in the future for those of us in the U.S.

Train2Game offers courses in Game Design as well as Game Development. So what does a Game Designer do exactly? Train2Game has an excellent explanation:

“The game designer is the person responsible for creating the background story, the game mechanics and the whole look and feel of the game, as well as all the game levels design, characters and setting the game difficulty.

The game designer’s main role is not only to write all there is to know about the game but also to describe the game to other members of the production team so that the finished product is as similar as it can be to the designer’s original vision.

Therefore the game designer’s main skills are those of communication.”

Train2Game believes that most game schools which offer a game design education, aren’t quite preparing students enough to enter the workforce after graduating. I happen to agree with this assessment. Schools are doing a good job of introducing game development software and teaching the core basics, but lack in the ability to fundamentally prepare young minds with the reality of a game studio. With the actual workflow of creating a game. And this is where Train2Game wants to shine. They want you to know how to make a game, in a game studio type environment, before you actually get hired at a game studio. Makes sense, doesn’t it? And for the most part, there are some schools that try to accomplish this. Again, I am only speaking about my knowledge of schools in the states.
Here are Train2Game’s core objectives:

  • To teach you current game design processes using bespoke industry relevant software applications
  • To provide a solid grounding in the world of games design such that you are ready to move into industry and become a Games Designer
  • To assist you in the production of your project portfolio and game design projects
  • To help immerse you in the games industry network through understanding industry terminology and through Train2Games extensive Industry relationships
  • To help enrich your knowledge with technical and theoretical lectures from Key industry professionals
  • To Introduce you to the work flow of the games development process
  • To help prepare you for working as a “team” member in large scale game production company
  • To prepare you for in-depth fun and committed study
  • Career opportunities

With all the great things I learned during my game education in Canada, I don’t believe some of us game grads were fully prepared to enter the work environment. I admit that there is still so much work to be done, by you and by your own determination alone, to finally get your foot in the door of this incredibly competitive industry. We need more programs like Train2Game, where they basically put you in a game studio type of environment, and go through the process of making an actual game. That’s the best way to learn! I, personally, don’t learn anything by watching or listening to an instructor talking about how to make a game, or game content. I need to do! I need to work with a team of artists and designers and actually go through the process. Which is something I did not get to experience and Train2Game may be an answer for those of you looking to gain that hands on experience.

Learn more on the Train2Game website (UK Residents only) and request more information to get started on realizing your dream.