Archive for the ‘Triumph Studios’ Category


June 6, 2009
Kill the evil seal monster! Wait… what?

I remember playing the first Overlord demo and kind of enjoying it. I liked the humor it displayed and just being the most powerful Overlord in this virtual world was a pretty cool concept. I never bought the game because I didn’t think the game would be entertaining for longer than a few minutes like in the demo. So when I found out the Overlord II demo was on the Xbox Live Marketplace, I figured I would give it another chance, thinking that they may have made it more interesting for a person like me. However, I was not prepared for the direction the developers decided to go in this game. In fact, I’m a bit shocked.

They definitely changed this sequel. At least, they made me think so in the demo. My first question to the developer is, why in the world would you think I would enjoy clubbing baby seals? Seriously people, I’m not a animal, tree hugging, environmental wacko activist but I have no patience for what this demo asks the player to do. If you have not played this demo yet, prepare to witness what the annual Canadian seal cull is like. Thankfully there is a lack of blood, but you still end up sending your minions to club baby seals which you get points for. You, as the almighty, all powerful “Overlord” get to club innocent baby seals as well.

The almighty Overlord and his sick ‘n twisted minions with seal helmet

How is this electronic entertainment? Well it just might be.. if you’re sick in the fucken’ head. Sometimes… I think I am. But this? I’m sorry, clubbing baby seals in a video game is not what I would consider fun nor do I find it funny. Especially not for $60. I wouldn’t even want to club these snow white, cute little seals for free. I don’t get it guys. I really don’t.

I want to keep this demo impression short because this demo really isn’t worth talking about. But if you like to club little baby seals, chase one eyed Yeti’s, watch Gremlim’s ride atop of wolves and fight Gay Pirate Elves (yes, you read that right) then this game is for you. For me? No thanks. This left a bad impression on me and this whole Overlord franchise name is forever tarnished in my mind. The developers could have really created some interesting and creative gameplay, as the environments were actually pretty stunning to look at and walk around in. But then they had to ruin any chance they had at success by throwing in elements that show poor judgement by the developers and a serious bad taste in humor and gameplay.

Did they conduct a survey and find out a majority of gamers love to kill baby seals or something? I seriously doubt it. Gamers want to kill Aliens, Dinosaurs, Monsters, Zombies… Rainbow Bright and Care Bears. Which is the exact opposite of what Triumph Studios had in mind with their new game. Published by Codemaster’s, who also happens to be the publisher of the recently released Damnation (see Damnation Review), they’re really starting to make me question their credibility. Are they letting any game get made now days? I understand the game is supposed to be humorous, but I don’t think it will resonate with other gamers.

Any of you play this demo yet? What do you think?