Archive for the ‘The Witcher 2’ Category


September 25, 2009

Do you know much about The Witcher? I sure don’t. But the statement about the most realistic environments in history has got my attention. I mean, we should take that with a grain of salt right? Every new game that comes out is usually better and badder than the next it seems. But it’s sort of like every new blockbuster movie that comes out each week. For that one week, they get to run new trailers that say, “The number one movie in America” blah blah blah. Well of course it’s number one. You didn’t go up against any other blockbuster movie! You went up against Megan Fox’s new cheeseball cheerleader horror flick, or maybe your movie came out up against ‘Finally the Final Destination Finale… Part 5’. Or whatever.

Anyway, just because you say you’re number one, or you have the best of the best environments or graphics, doesn’t necessarily make it true. It’s all in the eyes of the gamers. People go gaga over Gears of War and the Unreal Engine, and it does absolutely nothing for me. It’s all opinion. Still though, that’s is quite a statement to say. Maybe it’s just an RPG thing. From what I have seen in this video, it does look quite impressive. The Day & Night cycle looks interesting and I love it when I’m playing a game where shadows of clouds pass by on the ground. I feel that makes a game more immersive for me. Similar to animated trees, but even more effective.

So what do you think about this video? Think it will have the most realistic environments in RPG history? Or is the developer just proud of his game and wants to talk it up as much as possible?