Archive for the ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ Category


August 8, 2009

Spending over a year of my life in Vancouver, BC was one of the best experiences of my life. If you have been reading my blog since the beginning, you would understand that by now. So it’s no surprise that after watching the new trailer of Heath Ledger’s final film, “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”, that the biggest highlight for me was the familiar looking Vancouver Public Library, which I visited as often as possible. It’s the type of building where, no matter how a visual effects team may alter it, it’s immediately recognizable.

For those not aware of how awesome thing building is, it’s probably the most famous building in British Columbia. That’s my opinion of course, there are obviously other grand architecture on display through downtown and in Victoria, but the library in downtown Vancouver? It’s definitely special. And a lot of film producer’s think so as well. I think the last time I saw this library in a move was Arnold Schwarzengger’s movie “The 6th Day”. Although I am sure it has been in others.

The trailer itself looks amazing. I kept trying to figure out how they were going to finish off this movie without the ultra-talented Ledger, and I have my answer. There was talk that Johnny Depp, Colin Farrel and Jude Law were going to somehow fill his shoes for the finalization of the film and well.. it looks like that’s exactly what happened. I wasn’t too sure about this film in the beginning, but after watching this trailer, I am totally stoked to see this film!

Oh and for you Vancouverites out there, part of the film was filmed in Gastown as well. So make sure to check it out!

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus comes out October 16, 2009.