Archive for the ‘THE BEHEMOTH’ Category


August 13, 2009

Here it is. Your new Xbox Live Arcade addiction. From the makers of Alien Hominid (which I still need to complete) and Castle Crashers, The Behemoth has finally released some video of their next game. Their 3rd game in fact, and just so you know it’s their 3rd game, they have included that in the game title, hence Game #3. Whether that stays or not, I don’t know. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept it because, well, that’s just how The Behemoth rolls.

I like how you can customize your character more this time around and even customize your weapons. However, the A.I. featured in this video looks like it needs some help. It didn’t look very hard to beat your enemies as you can see at the end. Currently they have called this featured mode, Soul Mode. That may or may not stick as well as their development continues.

If you’re in the Seattle or Vancouver, BC area, they will be at PAX this year so make sure to stop by and check the game out for yourself.


March 17, 2009

For fans of Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid, The Behemoth is slaving away on your next favorite Xbox Live Arcade game. From the video above, it looks like another fun romp of multiplayer will soon take place. They even have time to play a quick game of soccer, which I am always up for. I wonder if this game is going to have a bunch of different multiplayer playlists this time. It looks like it does. All I know is, when a character in a game is wearing a Pilgrim lookin hat, you know it warrants an immediate purchase. I think that’s in the video game buying rulebook somewhere. I got to go look that up again. Enjoy.