Archive for the ‘Techland’ Category


July 7, 2009

Poland-based ‘Techland‘ has just released a tech demo of some amazing environments you have got to see. It reminds me of Crysis a bit with the massive forests with streams going through them and the overall feel of everything being alive, but it looks like Techland’s Chrome Engine 4 is a bit more developed than anything I have ever seen before. While looking at this demo, it feels more complete than its Unreal and Crytek competitors. You can check out the new game Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood to see what the game engine is like in action. So far, I am deeply impressed and wonder where this game engine has been all my life?

I’m sure there will be more tech demos coming soon so keep a look out as we witness the beginning of something special from talented developers, Techland.

Credit: That Videogame Blog