Archive for the ‘T-Enterprise’ Category


June 2, 2009

Conservatives are fuming today and it’s all surrounding a new game announced that has to do with the politically-charged and extremely sensitive topic of Guantanamo detainees. Expect a huge media firestorm to erupt soon! If it doesn’t (or hasn’t already), then it makes absolutely no sense as to why Konami had to drop “Six Days in Fallujah” a few weeks ago, because this game looks, by far, more politically motivated.

When I first saw this trailer, I thought it was a joke. Then Rush Limbaugh had discussed it on his show today and posted a link to the trailer on his site. As you might have guessed, Rush is not the leading video game expert in the world (I honestly didn’t know he cared enough about video games to discuss them). However, he does make a point when he says the game “dishonors the sacrifice” our service men and women have made for our country, and the war on terror in general. I agree with him. He also says that the developer had said, “nobody gets killed or anything.” Well, the trailer doesn’t answer the question: Is the U.S. military the target? On another site, it says, “the object of the game is for the player to get the Guantanamo detainee out of the prison by shooting his way out.” So are these Americans being targeted in the game? The developers say no. But does that even matter when we all know who is running this real life controversial prison? We all know the U.S. is the real target, whether you substitute them for a made up “mercenary” force or not. When you say Guantanamo, you think of the U.S. (Americans are associated with that word forever now.)

I didn‘t feel this disgusted with Six Days to Fallujah because it was being told by the soldiers themselves and I looked at it as an important story they wanted to share with the world. A story about what really happened in one of the deadliest battles of the Iraq war. So when you create a game like this Guantanamo game, which the developers happen to be creating with the help of a former GitMo detainee, Moazzam Begg.. it makes you question their motives. Why? Why do you need to create this game? And more importantly, why are you involving a former “terrorist” who will stop at nothing to glorify his cause? This game is like a huge propaganda tool for their jihad. And of all companies to support this game, it’s to be released on the Xbox 360? Microsoft? Is this true? We all know from watching Hollywood movies, Pandora’s Box is better left un-opened.

We don’t really know much else about this game, other than the trailer above. It’s obviously taking a different unrealistic route by saying the detainee was sent to Guantanamo for scientific experiments, but why does it have to be Guantanamo? Why can’t it be Alcatraz or some fictional prison? Is this game being made specifically to make money off the explosive subject? (If so, what a surprise!) Negative press is still press right? But where is this money going? Is it going to terrorists? Or is it going to people who support the shutdown of Guantanamo? It seems I have more questions here than answers.

And what the hell is up with the music!? It seems like it’s stolen right out of a Clint Mansell’s classical song called “Lux Aeterna”. Just slightly altered. You can listen to it on his MySpace. It sounds very similar. Are developers really running out of ideas they have to resort to this uncreative game, and using other peoples songs to achieve the necessary hype to generate sales? Sad thing is, this may actually work.

I’m all for freedom of expression, freedom of speech.. some will even consider this art.. but when you cross a line… you cross a line. Kind of like that Japanese Rapelay game that got canned.. you just don’t go there! Even though the expert detainee they have received consultation from, claims his innocence, it’s still propaganda for the terrorists no matter what angle you look at it from. Whether they claim “No U.S. or British Soldiers will be killed” or not, we all know what the prison guards at Guantanamo represent. Congrats T-Enterprise, you’re doing a hell of a job spreading hate. Most likely on both sides.

Excuse me for turning my blog political but this one had to be discussed. Whether you agree with me or not, please comment and voice your opinion. There are thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives so you can have the freedom to say what you want, so say it.

Is this game crossing a line? Would you buy it? Would you even want to play it?


In a statement, Microsoft said:
“We are unaware of this game and have not been contacted by this developer. As such, we don’t have enough details about the game to even comment about it.”