Archive for the ‘’ Category


July 18, 2009

I unfortunately, for the second year in a row, underestimated the popularity of San Diego’s Comic Con and failed to order tickets in time for the major event. The only day I could have gone was on a Sunday and I figured since that was the last day of the Con, I could still get tickets a few weeks before the event. Yea, I’m stupid. Tickets sold out way earlier than last year. This won’t happen again next year! It’s like an hour away from me and I can’t go because I procrastinated. Now let this be a lesson to you all! I mean, because that’s why I did this in the first place. To teach you guys a lesson in putting shit off. Uhhh..yea, that’s why.

OK well, since I’m not going, you better believe I’ll be just like the rest of you who are not going. I’ll be monitoring every website and Twitter page I can to get the latest news from the event, just like E3 in Los Angeles. Cool thing is, even though Comic Con hasn’t started yet, the news and previews are already coming in.

If you head on over to, you can see the Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies that will be on full display for the large crowds. The first footage of ‘Iron Man 2’ is supposed to be shown, and I know many are excited about that. ‘Toy Story 3’ was quite a surprise to see, especially seeing that is will be in 3D. I totally did not see that one coming. Also, most of you who have gone to the movies recently have probably already seen the previews for the movie ‘9’ (featuring some bad ass sounds from one of my favorite bands ever, Coheed and Cambria) but I thought I’d post it anyway. I’m surprised I didn’t talk about that movie already. Tim Burton will blow us away with that one, you watch.

So are you going to Comic Con? What are you most excited to see from the event?