Archive for the ‘Sonic’ Category


October 29, 2008

I still remember that special Christmas day. My sister and I came down to see what Santa brought us and usually, there would be at least one awesome gift. Maybe a BMX bike, maybe an RC car or maybe some hot new roller blades! Yeah! But not this Christmas. This Christmas I did not see anything special under the tree. I remember being disappointed.. kind of confused and bummed out I didn’t get the “hot new toy” of the holiday season. That is, until I heard something that sounded like a song of a thousand angels coming from the living room, “SSAAAAYYYY GAAAAA!!” Wow! A Sega Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog himself was now officially mine! Twenty years later, they’re not the same company but you know what, we ALL have much to thank SEGA for what they brought to the game industry. Thanks to SEGA Genesis we got to play games like Earthworm Jim, Road Rash, Mortal Kombat II, and my all time favorite, Skitchin’! I regret that I sold you in a garage sale SEGA Genesis, but you left me with a lifetime of memories and I treasure that more. Happy 20th, here’s to the good times.