Archive for the ‘Smart Bomb Interactive’ Category


September 24, 2009

Back in November 2008, I wrote an article about Smart Bomb Interactive’s New Snoopy game gunning to be top dog. At the time, there were no specifics. What platform would this game be released on? Will there be online gameplay? And by far the most important, can you play as the mighty and all powerful Woodstock? Yea, I said Woodstock. What?

With no specifics at all, I could tell that a lot of thought and effort was going into this game and trash me for liking Snoopy, but this game looks badass. No, I don’t care what you say. This game deserves a chance. It looked good back then, and it looks even better now. If the gameplay on this Xbox Live Arcade trailer doesn’t get you excited at all, there is something wrong with you. Xbox Live Arcade is one of the best, if not the best feature Microsoft has added to their console. I don’t know what I would do without it and in fact, I enjoy more games on XBLA than their $60 counterparts. Snoopy Flying Ace may add to the list of reasons why.

So what’s the basic idea behind this game?

Excerpt from GamerBytes: (Since I couldn’t explain it any better)

“The game is, for the most part, an aerial dog fighting game where you and 15 other players can fight each other online. The game will support 9 different modes including airborne Rugby, and will also include a challenge mode that is playable by yourself or in local or online coop. You can also choose from 12 members of the original Peanuts crew, or use your Xbox Live Avatar.”

Another game to use your avatar sounds pretty sweet to me. And in the original post I did in November, I mentioned you could end up getting out of the plane you’re flying and the flying game turns into a platformer. No word on this still being the case, but either way, Snoopy’s new adventure looks like a lot of fun.

For those of you about to hate on me, I”ll probably end up seeing you playing online. Watch out, I will be aiming for you.


November 30, 2008

You will have one of two reactions when you watch this video. When you finish it, you will either ask yourself, “Who the hell would make another Snoopy game and why?” Or you will say what I said, “Why do I think this game might actually be fun?” Seriously, I’m not joking. This looks similar to Snoopy vs Red Baron, (PS2 & PC) but could possibly be a big winner in my book if they can create a stellar online multiplayer mode. Right now, it looks like Crimson Skies meets Peanuts but it also looks part platformer. I like how they are trying to mix it up. I hope they pay attention to the controls for flying as that could make or break this game.

The game is being developed by Smart Bomb Interactive, and still has a year left of development. Read an INTERVIEW with the VP of Smart Bomb Interactive if you’re interested in learning more.