Archive for the ‘Shadow of the Colossus’ Category


May 20, 2009

I don’t think this video was supposed to be seen before E3 but.. too late! Hundreds of thousands of fans have already viewed this in a few short hours. From the makers of Shadow of the Colossus, Team ICO looks to be giving us another experience unlike any other.

I unfortunately never got to play Shadow of the Colossus but another student took the time to show the game to me during class one day. Now I wish I got to actually played the game because it looked amazing, and it seems to come from a special set of developers. Even though it was on the PS2, it still was one to remember. Just watch this video, you’ll be impressed. I got weirded out a bit by watching this huge character featured in this trailer but they made the movements and personality traits so realistic, it’s hard not to stare and wonder.. what the hell is that!?