Archive for the ‘sequel’ Category


July 28, 2009

This is probably the biggest news I have seen in a while. Mainly because I was a big fan of The Darkness videogame that ended up being surprisingly good, but didn’t get the recognition it truly deserved. If you haven’t played the original The Darkness game, stop reading, go to GameStop, go to Hollywood video or Blockbuster.. whatever, steal it if you have to. Just go play this game. You’ll definitely want to play it considering there’s news a sequel is in the works and talks about a possible Live Action movie as well. Crazy!

For some reason, I never thought about this game turning into a movie, but the more I think about it, the more I can visualize it coming to life. Sorry to say, but more so than the Halo movie. Because let’s face it, the Halo movie might not ever be made. If it is, I’ll be grey-haired, old and grumpy with wrinkly skin hanging from my neck. Maybe even yelling at punk little kids to “get off my lawn!” I’ve given up on the Halo to film adaptation, especially after hearing Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp playing it down so hard. But The Darkness? The Darkness I have hope for. Let’s hope it’s not a rumor or just some executive or producer talking out of his ass. You be the judge.

From Newsarama:

“First a sequel to the video game was announced as in development, to be penned by Paul Jenkins. A trailer was shown, from the previous installment by 2K Games. Hawkins also boasted that The Darkness game has gone platinum on both X-Box 360 and PS3, and will therefore soon be available for $29.99.

Also announced was a live action feature film of The Darkness to come. There were no specifics involved, beyond that Scott Stuber Productions was attached, but Hawkins promised further announcements to come in 6-8 weeks, with talent to be named.”

One final note that may or may not be a big deal with concern to the videogame sequel, the original developers, StarBreeze, will not be the one’s to make it. I’m not sure who it is yet but, they better make StarBreeze and fans of the game proud. That’s all I’ve got to say.

SDCC 09: A Prime Cut of Top Cow: Comics & Movies Galore
Top Cow: The Darkness sequel in development


December 18, 2008

The Gamer Report is not here to spread rumors, but if I absolutely have to spread a rumor, I think this one would be it. I get excited just thinking about this being true. For those who have not played Black on the original Xbox or have never even heard of the game before, Black was the one game that was developed at the end of the original Xbox’s lifespan that was the closest an FPS came to looking “next gen.” I remember renting this game with my best friend and hooking it up the Xbox to a projector and we played this game straight through. We didn’t want to put it down. This game was surprisingly a joy to play. There were destructible environments and it felt satisfying when shooting an enemy. The explosions were the most realistic I had seen yet and the game itself also received pretty good reviews. It is only a matter of time before they make a sequel right? I can only assume.

The developers of this game, surprisingly, is Criterion. Criterion is usually known for perfecting a car racing franchise called Burnout. Ever heard of it? Yea, a lot of people have. But not as many have heard about Black for some reason. It really flew below the radar as everyone was gearing up for the next generation of gaming. Microsoft added Black as a downloadable Xbox original title on the Xbox Live Marketplace not too long ago. Is there a reason why they chose Black instead of another FPS? Was this their plan all along, to introduce Black to new Xbox Live users in anticipation that a Black sequel would eventually be developed? This is all speculation. This is not news, I am just telling you what I am thinking. I have nothing to gain for repeating this rumor. But Criterion and EA know they have a great opportunity on their hands to expand the Black universe. Add multi-player, create better AI and make the next game longer with a better storyline and you have yourself some major competition in the Call of Duty and Halo arena. I for one, cannot validate this rumor but I will continue living my life thinking it is indeed true. I don’t see how it can’t be. Then again, this rumor has already been shot down by Criterion earlier this year. But then again-again, (yea I just made that up) Burnout Paradise has been released now. So what is Criterion up to, huh?

More on this rumor…
Even More…
Criterion recruiting devs to work on sequel…
Black sequel coming in 2009?