Archive for the ‘Ruffian games’ Category


September 25, 2009

Whoa! I’m surprisingly not impressed with what I am seeing of Crackdown 2. Maybe I haven’t seen enough of what Ruffian Games is trying to do here, but I’m not seeing anything special. What I am seeing is Crackdown 1.5, with a lot more blood. Big deal! Seriously, it almost looks exactly the same. And although I really enjoyed the first Crackdown, I was hoping to see a different take on the franchise after the whole Realtime Worlds/Ruffian split. It seems like Crackdown is going to end up in a whole new genre all by itself with the amount of jumping that is involved. Open World Jumping? OWJ? I liked the jumping idea implemented, but there has got to be more than just that and I hope Ruffian Games is holding some secrets back. I expect to be blown away with a sequel. If not? No buy.

I’ve been pretty critical of games lately and I have been extra tight with my money. OK, I’m a cheap ass. Even going so far as waiting for the price of Halo 3: ODST to drop (might be a while) as I don’t believe ODST is more than an expansion pack. Call me stubborn. But as a gamer, I expect the best of the best and I won’t give my money away for anything less. Crackdown 2? There is still a lot to prove, as Realtime Worlds ‘APB’ looks much more interesting and ‘next gen’.