Archive for the ‘Rockstar San Diego’ Category


May 6, 2009

It’s so weird that these new screens came out today as I was just talking about Grand Theft Horse… excuse me, Red Dead Redemption with some friends yesterday. I’m still bummed they didn’t stick with the Grand Theft Horse nickname but I’m sure I’ll get over it by the time this game is released. Who knows, maybe I’ll remain bitter and refuse to call it anything other than what I want to call it. But call it what you will, Rockstar San Diego is bringing it! Bringing what you ask? Bringing the pain! Wait no. Well, maybe they are, I don’t know. But they are bringing the Western genre back into the spotlight with an open world twist that is sure to please fans of the genre, Red Dead Revolver, and create new fans in the process.
There is supposed to be a new trailer coming out soon, as soon as tomorrow I hope. And when it’s released, you can be sure that I will be posting it and talking about the new trailer and hopefully the new features shown. The screens here I believe are taken directly from the trailer you’ll soon see. So make sure to come back again tomorrow to get my take on it and see what else the trailer has in store for us.

Update: Screw tomorrow, the trailer is already out! Here it is! Oh, and check out the very first thing shown in the video. What is it? That incredible locomotive I talked about a while back. So beautifully done.