Archive for the ‘Resident Evil’ Category


December 16, 2008


December 6, 2008

I was able to get my hands on the Resident Evil 5 demo tonight. It just came out in Japan but I I found a way to get it here in the U.S. even though it’s not available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace yet. I couldn’t help myself, I had to play it. Instead of talking about the demo though I thought I’d record part of it and share my first experience playing one of my favorite game titles. It’s been many years since I screamed like a little girl when that fricken‘ dog flew out of the window on the first Resident Evil I played. Man that game was the shit! But I haven’t played it since. I hope RE5 lives up to the great memories I have of this franchise and I got just a glimpse of the new memories I will have with RE5 with this demo. For those who haven’t played it yet, you’re in for a treat.

The controls might take a bit of getting used to though. The sensitivity is a bit too slow for me, even after increasing it to the fastest setting. Also, the zombies that come after you are stupidly slow. But after a bit of playing, I realized that was a good thing. There are a lot of them and it takes many shots to kill some of them. With that said, the visuals are stunning and it has plenty of action. I imagine the retail version will look better and run smoother. Even though the controls were a bit wonky and slow, it still had me at the edge of my seat with my heart racing. Which is exactly what I want in a demo. Thanks Resident Evil 5 demo, I got my exercise for the week.