Archive for the ‘Red 5 Studios’ Category


May 31, 2009

E3 is almost here ladies and gentlemen. Soon, the wait will be over and all the rumors, all the hype, all the fan fare will be over faster than Terminator: Salvation the video game. And that’s pretty damn fast. But with all these rumors, all these games left to be announced, and more details to be revealed on already announced games, I’m here to discuss what I want to see at E3. I just found out I will be downtown L.A. at the same time the Microsoft Press Conference starts tomorrow, and I can’t get in. That’s like torture for me, but I have to be down there so.. maybe someone can sneak me in? (Email me if you perform miracles!) Anyway.. here is what I’m interested in at E3 and why:

First off, I will make a prediction that is so out in left field, it’s probably dead wrong. But I’m throwing it out there anyway hoping it sticks. If I’m right, I may be the only one who predicted it. If I’m wrong, which I probably am, well then I don’t really care. All I know is, Black was one of the best shooters for the original Xbox (after Halo and Half Life) and it’s about damn time we see a Black 2. The market is there, I just don’t know if Criterion actually has enough time to make this, what with all the Burnout DLC they have released. But what if another developer picked up Black 2? Like I said, way out in left field, and wishful thinking. I can dream can’t I? If not this E3, maybe next year.

Another game that hasn’t been discussed, like at all, is the game currently being developed by ex-Blizzard veterans at Red 5 Studios. We know it’s a new RPG, we know it’s a cool art direction which includes all hand painted textures, and we know it just may be the next big RPG to take on World of Warcraft. (does that game really exist? We’ll find out soon enough.) But in the end, we really have no clue what they’re up to and it’s been regarded as a huge secret. I don’t like secrets, I want to know what they’re doing! Even if it’s not the type of game I usually enjoy playing, the anticipation of a new IP being announced, and being announced from a studio who happens to be 20 minutes away from me, just makes me all the more anxious to know what the secret game is.

I have been waiting a long time for an Xbox handheld type device. I thought it would never come. I did want to buy a PSP but just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money. I did buy a DS and that ended up being a waste. Fun while it lasted but not too fun if you have to play it by yourself. Which is why the new Zune HD intrigues me. They say it’s to battle the iPod but let’s face it, if the main device in Microsoft’s sight isn’t the iPhone, then don’t waste your time Microsoft. The iPod is nothing special. Here’s hoping Microsoft does everything right with the new Zune HD. If that’s indeed what it’s called and it indeed does do what the rumors say. I’m so there.

Motion controls eh? The Wii has done it already. They’ve already announced Wii Plus motion controls. Now there is word the PS3 and 360 make jump on the bandwagon? Wait, didn’t PS3 already go this route with their motion controller? It failed didn’t it? Why would they try again? I’m not a big fan of this motion control fad. And that’s what it is, it’s just a fad. I don’t think it will catch on, at least not in the way the Nintendo Wii has done it. For us simple gamers, I’d rather not have to be pointing at the screen while playing a game. Give me the old school controllers and I’m good to go. But Microsoft may get rid of the controllers all together with this new 3D ZCam you say? I’ll remain a skeptic on this one. Not feelin‘ it, and I’m not sure other hardcore gamers will care enough to fork out more dough on an unproven product. We shall see, but just so you understand.. I’m stubborn with this one and I’m not a fan. Keep it simple.

So with all these games to be shown at E3, what are the games that have already been discussed? These are some of the games I’m excited to learn more about.

Lost Planet 2:

I bought the first Lost Planet and enjoyed the single player adventure. Very memorable. However, no one really got into the multiplayer which is too bad, because it was actually pretty good. The multiplayer demo is what got me to buy the game in the first place. Here’s hoping the 4 player co-op gameplay already shown, will be enough to get my friends interested in buying this day one, and for sticking around to see what the multiplayer is like. I look forward to more details on this at E3.


I’ve written about this game many times. With the new art direction, I think we can be guaranteed to see more details on the art direction, and hopefully some actual gameplay footage. This game is being played up as a pretty big title to get released, here’s to hoping all the hype will ring true. I still want to find out more and specifically, I want a release date. Like a selfish kid in a candy store, I want I want I want! (First look at Borderlands in motion at

Heavy Rain:

I wasn’t that excited about this game from Quantic Dream until I played their last game they made. If you own a 360, you should do yourself a favor and play an old Xbox Original from this developer called Indigo Prophecy. I think it’s been available as an Xbox original download since day one and it took me a very long time to finally download it and try it out. I was not disappointed. It’s unlike any game I have ever played and the first gameplay footage I saw of Heavy Rain the other day, totally makes sense to how Quantic Dream creates their suspenseful gameplay. I believe this is only a PS3 exclusive so I’m a bit down by that, but the PS3 owners deserve their exclusives just like 360 owners. We can’t get all the good games it seems.

Max Payne 3:

Just finished playing another Xbox Original, Max Payne 2, and it was surprisingly better than the first. The 3rd just might be epic right? It certainly can lead to that level I’m sure. It’s Max Payne we’re talking about. I hope to see what the new developers, Rockstar Vancouver, have up their sleeves. It’s supposed to come out this winter so we better see some details of what they’re trying to sell us. But please, don’t rely on the name itself to sell the game. And don’t give us another Bully either.

Alan Wake:

If I don’t see some major gameplay, and tons more details on this game, I think I may already be done with it. This game has been talked about for so long, and hyped up to be this crazy suspense thriller to crush all suspense thrillers.. and all we get are a couple of screenshots? For how many years now? How many E3’s have gone by? Look Remedy, just bring it! Or else you can add another critic to the pile. Give us some gameplay already! Better yet, give us a fracken release date!

And last but not least, I’ll ramble on down to the end of this post by saying I also want to see.. Bubble Bobble for the Xbox Live arcade. Don’t ask why, just give me some old school memories. I loved that game. I would also like to see a new Mario game. Not another Mario Galaxy or Mario Kart, I’m talking about an old school-new school Mario platformer. Bring it back Nintendo c’mon! Also, rumors and leaks are rampant with the PSP Go, although I doubt I’ll end up buying one, I would like to see the features of the new PSP and how it may compare to the rumored Xbox Zune HD handheld that may or may not even exist. I’ll have to decide between the two and figure out which is the better entertainment investment. Mass Effect 2 will be shown as well I’m sure. We’ve already seen some footage so I look forward to seeing if Bioware has any surprises in store. (Bioshock 2? meh.. don’t care) And finally of course, I hope to see some Halo: ODST details and gameplay for sure! With Tricia Helfer confirmed as a voice for one of the characters, ‘Dare’, the game is looking to take a whole new direction which I am getting increasingly excited about in this new Halo adventure. Curious to know if her character plays a small part, or if her character is the main character we’ll be playing. A female Master Chief? Hmmmm.. interesting. I’ll take 2, thank you.


February 17, 2009

When I flew back home from Vancouver, one of the first companies I looked into was Red 5 Studios and Carbine Studios. I had never heard of them before but there was a nice article in The OC Register about two new upstarts in Aliso Viejo and most of them were former Blizzard employees. I thought hell, this is awesome! Two brand new studios with talented people to back it up and all within about a 20 minute drive from home.

I applied and I applied again. I don’t remember how many times but fact is, I never heard back from Red 5. I heard back from Carbine but Red 5 remained mysteriously silent. I finally just gave up with them assuming my art style is not what they’re looking for.

So why so silent? That’s a good question. Well, since the last time I saw what Red 5 was up to, I know from their website that they have moved to a different location, back to familiar Blizzard territory in Irvine, Ca. They had some recent management changes and they are getting ever so close to making an announcement on their first major project. But what is it? World of Warcraft meets Star Wars? It’s supposed to be some type of fantasy MMO but who knows? Maybe it’s not that at all. They aren’t saying anything and as far as I know of, there have been no leaks about the “exciting ideas” they’ve been working on. Oh speculation…

If you’re interested in trying to dissect this interview Red 5 gave to Gamasutra leave a comment and tell me what you think.