Archive for the ‘real time engine’ Category


October 16, 2009

OK Crytek. Enough with the next gen game engine tease already. Where is Crysis 2 and when will Xbox 360 and PS3 owners get to see all your hard work in action? *tick-tock-tick-tock*

Hopefully it won’t be too much longer now as the CryEngine 3 has been released to developers as of yesterday October 15, 2009. Crysis 2 has no set date yet, but it should be out sometime in 2010. Along with a whole other mix of games. I’m curious to see if the new Crysis 2 game will have the same effect on game delays as Modern Warfare 2 had on holiday 2009 titles. Will another military FPS scare away the competition in 2010? With the awesome potential on full display in this video, I wouldn’t be surprised. Not one bit.

Until then, cheers to Crytek for their historic accomplishment. Now get back to work! Console owners want to see this engine in action already.