Archive for the ‘Ninja Turtles Re-Shelled’ Category


August 5, 2009

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled is set to release today. I don’t know what it is about TMNT, but every game, every movie that comes out.. I must buy or see! Whether it’s bad or not, it’s the nostalgia that really matters most to me. I love the memories.

There were a few cartoons in my early childhood that I was obsessed with. It probably started out with He-Man and GI JOE. ThunderCats definitely got me to sit in front of the tele for endless hours, and maybe even Rainbow Brite. Wait! Uhhh… I didn’t say that. I meant to say Rambo. Yeah, that’s what I said. Rambo! But when the Ninja Turtles and my boy Michelangelo came around.. that was it. That was me. I was the pizza loving, humorous ninja dude himself, Michelangelo. Obsession took over.. until Beavis and Butthead came along of course, but that’s another article for another day.

I’m sure most of us can look back and remember which ninja turtle we compared ourselves with. I still remember my best friend was Donatello, and I remember acting out our ninja turtle antics along with our endless amount of action figures and even the Turtle Blimp itself. Good times my friends.. good times indeed.

What Ninja Turtle were you growing up? What childhood memories do you have of TMNT?