Archive for the ‘new video’ Category


March 19, 2009

So what in the hell is inside this box!? This Half-Life inspired video has got me intrigued. If you haven’t watched it yet, I suggest you do because I don’t know how long this video will be up for. As you can see from the image above taken from their website, it seems like this is just a teaser of something bigger to come. But what is it?

I had posted another Half Life ‘viral’ like video not too long ago by The Purchase Brothers. These videos are a bit similar and I can only imagine what a full length film would be like if these two teams of fantastic filmakers combined their talents. Don’t skip out on these videos if you’re a Half Life fan. And if you’re not familiar with Half Life, I ask you why not? Do yourself a huge favor and go buy Valve’s “The Orange Box”. Seriously, it’s one of the best series in the game industry. You can probably even get it used right now. So that’s 5 games inside The Orange Box for probably like, $20. I know the economy is bad and all but c’mon, $20 for 5 awesome games? It was before and it still is, the best video game deal of the century. Check out the video below. I’ll try to find another version to post if this gets deleted soon.


March 17, 2009

For fans of Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid, The Behemoth is slaving away on your next favorite Xbox Live Arcade game. From the video above, it looks like another fun romp of multiplayer will soon take place. They even have time to play a quick game of soccer, which I am always up for. I wonder if this game is going to have a bunch of different multiplayer playlists this time. It looks like it does. All I know is, when a character in a game is wearing a Pilgrim lookin hat, you know it warrants an immediate purchase. I think that’s in the video game buying rulebook somewhere. I got to go look that up again. Enjoy.


October 27, 2008

An incredible new video of the upcoming blockbuster title, Gears of War 2. Do you think this new video is as haunting as “Mad World” from the first Gears of War? Check it out!