Archive for the ‘Mario and Luigi’ Category


August 3, 2009

I know I don’t post a lot of Nintendo related articles and video’s, and I guess that’s because I no longer have my DS. However, since getting my hands on the Wii more often than ever before, I felt it was necessary to talk more about the awesome world of Nintendo, and specifically Mario & Luigi. I still love Nintendo and I mean, who doesn’t really? Although Nintendo is struggling with sales now, the Wii in my opinion isn’t all that great of a console and I’m still a die-hard Xbox 360 fan, there is just something about Mario & Luigi that just feels right. Like the new Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story for the Nintendo DS.

For all I care, Nintendo could make Mario & Luigi games and nothing else, and I would still buy and play their products. In fact, those are the only games I like for Nintendo anyway. The games with the famous plumbers always feels more polished than other games. I don’t know what it is. Maybe Super Mario Bros. nostalgia that just keeps coming back every time another game is developed with those two characters. I’m not sure they will ever die. Will never get old. Y’know what I mean? I just wish I could say the same about Sonic the Hedgehog. Sorry Sonic, you’re old. And I think you may have died a long time ago. *sigh* Oh well, like I said, there will always be Mario & Luigi.
