Archive for the ‘Lionsgate’ Category


May 11, 2009

So is this what video games of the future will be like? Is this what Microsoft Research & Development are slaving away on day and night? Who knows? ‘Gamer’ is about real life Gamers taking control of real life prisoners for a crazy MMO shooter reality game called ‘Slayers’.(Wonder how they came up with that name?) People controlling other people,j ust like a video game. After watching this, I seriously doubt video games and reality game shows will go to this extreme, but it could make for a very interesting movie. It’s being made by the same guys who made Crank. Unfortunately I’m not a big fan of that movie so I hope Gamer is something I can get into. It’s starring Gerard Butler so as long as there is a, “This is Sparta!” slow-mo kick type moment in a scene, I think the movie will do just fine. Watch the trailer and leave some comments.