Archive for the ‘Iron Man 2’ Category


July 22, 2009

Based off of game trailers of both Iron Man games alone, the Iron Man 2 game looks like the devs paid more attention to detail than the first one. More attention to the actual combat instead of just flying around. If you’ve played some of these flying games before, like Superman, the awesome ability to fly around all over the place is not as fun as you would think. The fun level of flying wears off pretty quickly; it gets as old as the Michael Jackson memorial controversy. (yea I said it, move on already!)

With regards to the first Iron Man game, I admit, I didn’t play it because it just didn’t look that fun to me. I enjoyed the movie tremendously but the game seemed incomplete and the environments scarcely populated with objects and things to do. So if I am going to base my opinion of the new SEGA developed Iron Man 2 game, I’d say they learned a lot from their previous go at this potentially huge franchise. Only time will tell if this time around, they’re doing it right. Let’s hope so. For now, enjoy the trailer thanks to JoyStiq. Go see what they have to say.