Archive for the ‘Infamy Trailer’ Category


October 5, 2009

Still in the same boat as me and refuse to pay $60 for a Halo 3: ODST expansion pack? Yea, ODST may be worth it to those people who did not have Halo 3 before, or those of you who did not buy every single map pack like I did when they came out. To those of you that didn’t already have the extra content Microsoft and Bungie are charging extra for, yea, it’s probably a good deal for you. But for me? Not worthy of a full retail price. And this is coming from a die hard Halo fanatic. I mean, c’mon, Halo is what got me to think about making games as a career so it’s not that I am a Halo hater. It’s that I expect more from one of the greatest developers in our industry.

But have no fear, Infinity Ward is leading the charge by showing us what $60 worth of gaming truly gives us and we only have to wait one more month to get our greasy hands on Modern Warfare 2. This game, should be EPIC! The new 2 minute ‘Infamy’ trailer gets me hyped to no end.

Credit: TVGB