Archive for the ‘guns’ Category


November 30, 2008

You will have one of two reactions when you watch this video. When you finish it, you will either ask yourself, “Who the hell would make another Snoopy game and why?” Or you will say what I said, “Why do I think this game might actually be fun?” Seriously, I’m not joking. This looks similar to Snoopy vs Red Baron, (PS2 & PC) but could possibly be a big winner in my book if they can create a stellar online multiplayer mode. Right now, it looks like Crimson Skies meets Peanuts but it also looks part platformer. I like how they are trying to mix it up. I hope they pay attention to the controls for flying as that could make or break this game.

The game is being developed by Smart Bomb Interactive, and still has a year left of development. Read an INTERVIEW with the VP of Smart Bomb Interactive if you’re interested in learning more.