Archive for the ‘Gearbox Software’ Category


April 30, 2009

Uhhh.. I think we finally found a ChupacabraI think I like the new art style GearBox Software is going for with their highly anticipated game, Borderlands. But I’m hesitant to praise the new art direction. Borderlands has been in my top 10 games list ever since I first heard about it in 2006. I really liked the gritty, Mad Max type of setting it was in and I was digging the realism painstakingly created pixel by pixel by the GearBox artists. But then they changed it. I honestly don’t know if I like it more now, or less. It looks like they created a new Toon Shader (cel-shaded like comic book style) but still kept some form of realism in their textures. Kind of a cross between Crackdown and Team Fortress 2? Those games jump in my head when I see these new screens. What games do these screenshots remind you of?
C’mon dude, take off the Jason mask. I can’t take you seriously.
For those of you who have not seen or heard about Borderlands before, you can check out my Most Anticipated Games of 2009 I wrote a few months back as Borderlands was mentioned and there is a trailer you can watch. Even though I still don’t think the game has been confirmed for 2009, I’m holding out hope. And you should too because this game has the potential to be big.
Enter “screaming like a little girl” caption here
So these are some of the new screenshots GearBox Software released to the public. Below you will find some older screenshots of an earlier build of the game. That way you can kind of get an idea on what changed. From the looks of it, it’s just a slight change in textures. The game should be a blast either way. I didn’t like that they changed the artistic style at first but after looking at them while writing this post, I’m becoming more impressed with the detail shown. Either way, I think I’ll be buying this one. As long as Mel Gibson makes a cameo of course. No? OK, maybe not.
Damnit! We have to fight vagina faced monsters too!?