Archive for the ‘’ Category


February 20, 2009

I just registered on this site right now. I think you should too. If you have already graduated from school, whether it be a game design school or a 4 year University, or if you’re currently a student taking video game art & design courses, make sure you’re taking full advantage of sites like

They announced yesterday they have now upgraded their network to include new features for freelance workers and game students. Here is an excerpt:

“Anybody currently working, or looking for work, in the games industry is welcome to join and advertise their services, while any company already in the Network can post requests for work.”

“Meanwhile any students currently studying videogame-related degree courses, or planning to start them soon, can also register for the Network, with the opportunity to discuss courses and careers with fellow students while also posting questions in a special forum for existing industry veterans to answer.”

Whether you’re interested in this exact site or not is not the issue. The issue is you getting involved in other networks because like I have been told since I was young, and like what it says on, it’s not always what you know, it’s who you know. So start networking!