Archive for the ‘gamefly’ Category


December 12, 2008


With rumors on the web that Electronic Gaming Monthly might be switching to digital distribution, print magazines may be nearing their last days. Better get them while you can and subscribe to some of the best. Like Game Informer for instance. You get a full years worth of magazines shipped to your mailbox for only $20. Guys love it when a new magazine arrives in the mail. Doesn’t matter what kind as long as there are pictures.


Trust me, $150 sounds expensive but if your gamer boyfriend doesn’t already have a state of the art surround sound system hooked up to his HDTV, this game chair option is the least expensive of the two and gets the job done. Unless you don’t mind spending hundreds more then by all means, go for it. I’m sure he will be happy either way. If you do though, you’ll miss out on the illuminating speakers on this chair. Who doesn’t like illuminating speakers? PsShh!


You can never go wrong with T-Shirts for guys. I can never have enough shirts hanging up in my closet. What I don’t have that much of is game inspired shirts like this one. If you haven’t checked out J!NX yet, I suggest you pay their site a visit. They have tons of game shirts to choose from, some funny, some serious, and some that make no sense whatsoever. But who cares? It’s a shirt and it’s only $20.


The New Xbox Experience has been released and PlayStation’s Home has finally arrived to eager gamers worldwide. There has never been a better time to download games and game related content. Why not make it easier for your gamer boyfriend and get him some credit for his network account so he can spend it on awesome downloadable arcade games like Boogie Bunnies? Ok, maybe not Boogie Bunnies but you get the idea. Lots of content to buy, not enough money or points to buy it.

1600 Microsoft LIVE Points
$20 Playstation Network card


See the look on this guys face when he sees games have arrived in the mail for him from GameFly? Yea, he might be getting a bit too excited there but I wouldn’t know how he feels since I don’t have a GameFly subscription. But I’d like one, and I assume others like me would like one too. GameFly have a couple of deals for the first month but for every month after it’s $22.95. Not bad really if your gamer boyfriend is like me where he buys a game sometimes and regrets it an hour after playing it. Also the perfect gift for the hardcore gamer who beats a game in less than 24 hours and is ready to conquer the next one.