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April 15, 2009

I‘m not currently developing a video game right now but if I was, it would be extremely beneficial to know about a site called No this isn’t a review of the site per say, I’m really just trying to tell you about this awesome site that I found through Twitter. GameCues is a sound library for the video game industry and they charge absolutely nothing to use the sounds. From Scores, Sound Effects, Soundtracks, and Commercial Music… for free, all at your fingertips. It’s almost hard to believe.

The best part about this site for me is, you can play the sounds on the GameCues Player and listen to what the sound is before you download it. This thing is no joke! I’m really impressed with this site, from the design, to the player they developed, to the quality of the sounds they have in their library. I especially enjoyed listening to the military sound effects: an Apache Helicopter hovering, an SR-71 Blackbird fly over, and the Apollo Rocket taking off into space. If your PC is hooked up to a surround sound system, go check out their sound effects and listen to one of the helicopters hovering. It’s ridiculous!

Founder and CEO, Todd Resnick, and his team have been in the business for over 10 years, some working on many big hit movies such as Something about Mary and Office Space. Todd even spent a few years sound engineering in the music industry for artists like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jermaine Dupre. What I’m trying to say here is, there is a lot of experience behind this project and I can see it being a huge success now that they are entering the game industry. I wish them luck and remember when you need some quality sounds for your video game. It is the kind of people like Todd Resnick and the types of businesses like GameCues that make the game industry such an awesome industry to be a part of.