Archive for the ‘Game Mod’ Category


April 27, 2009

Do you find yourself on the verge of giving up sometimes trying to get into the game industry? Are you in the game industry already but are currently out of a job? Don’t give up! Well, that’s a lot easier said than done, isn’t it? I’m finding it hard sometimes in my current position in life to stay inspired. To think of an idea and run with it until completion is hard to do, especially if you’re the only one doing all the work. If you’re like me and you think too big sometimes and start a huge project you can’t finish on your own, maybe we should be thinking on a smaller scale. To stay positive in an environment that has such a negative outlook takes a determined and dedicated soul. Fortunately for many in the game industry and for many students who want to be part of this industry, there are multiple different paths to take to finally “make it”.

Which is where this article can come in as a good source of inspiration. It’s called, What I learned as an Indie, by German game developer Tobias Heussner. It’s not going to give you all the answers you’ve been looking for but it will provide a personal experience on what it’s like to start small and make your way to the top.

Makes sense to me. Start small, network with as many people in the game industry as you can, stay in contact with fellow students (you never know when your classmate may get hired and end up helping you get hired as well) and try to gain real world experience without getting hired at a major studio. But it’s so hard! Right? Of course it is. This industry is extremely competitive and even when you do get hired, you still have to battle to keep your job as there is always someone trying to take it from you. There will always be someone who thinks they can do your job, but better. Stay strong my friends. I’m in the same position you guys are in and all I can offer is my optimism. Oh, and a link this this article on GameCareerGuide and other similar articles. Take what you can from the information I present in here and take the right steps to making your dream career a reality. Think outside the box, think innovation, think indie.