Archive for the ‘Gabe Newell’ Category


November 9, 2008

Are you a Game Student? Do you want to be a game developer but aren’t sure if you should go to school for it? Did you already go to school and are trying to get your foot through the door? Y’know, the one that cracks open a bit but never truly opens up? Pay attention to this man, Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve Software.

Dave Perry, founder of Shiny Entertainment, (now merged with The Collective to form Double Helix Games) wrote up an interview to get into the mind of Gabe Newell to find out what it takes to finally step through that door. But read his words carefully so you don’t end up walking through a swinging door. That kind of door sucks.


DP: People that never went to college in the video games business swear blind that colleges aren’t needed to get a job. Are they for real? Should I burn my books now?

GN: That is changing very quickly. In the past, colleges didn’t really have anything to teach people that directly applied to game development, so people who went to school or didn’t go to school were more or less on the same footing. However programs like Digipen are a huge advantage, and are very valuable for the students who make it through.

Read more at Game Career Guide…