Archive for the ‘FuelCell Games’ Category


July 16, 2009

Have you ever wanted to fly around an insane looking umbrella and rein death upon an alien world? Me too! That’s not what this is unfortunately. It’s actually a spaceship that just happens to look like an umbrella, but you can go ahead and think that if you want. It depends on how you visualize these things I guess. All I know is, this is video game art at its best. Not a bad trailer considering the bad ass music/art combination. The right music goes a long way in games to help set the tone.

This game may soon make its way to PC and possibly XBLA thanks to Microsoft, FuelCell Games and specifically, Michel Gagne and Joe Olsen. The game is related to an old Nickelodeon show from 2005 that I’ve never heard of or seen, but imagine it was pretty awesome. My Nickelodeon days ended when ‘Double Dare’ and ‘Hey Dude’ ended. Ahhh.. memories.

You can check out their development blog to learn more about this interesting game. What do you think so far?

Credit: Destructoid