Archive for the ‘forum’ Category


January 6, 2009

One of the cool things about is, you get to view work from artists of all skill levels. Game Students will post their 3D models in the forums for others to comment or critique, then industry professionals will post their latest game asset they created at their place of work. And sometimes a special forum post will come around and be updated continuously throughout a game making process. The special post I am referring to is Zero Gear, the next level of kart racing.

It’s funny because I was just talking with my girlfriend the other day about how there needs to be another kart racing game. Something other than Mario Kart. Now, this isn’t as realistic as the idea I had in my head but I think Zero Gear can definitely hold me over until a well funded developer can create what I am imagining. The craziest part about Zero Gear is the creators, Nimblebit. It’s just two guys. Two guys!

Make sure to check out the video below too as it showcases some of the many race tracks created by Nimblebit. This game sure looks fun to play and I bet it was even funner to make. I can really see this game doing well if it were to come out for the Xbox Live Arcade. I wish Nimblebit the best of luck and I look forward to Zero Gear being a success!

Read more on the Zero Gear Polycount post…