Archive for the ‘Flying Robot Sniper’ Category


April 22, 2009

This is just too cool not to blog about. This article is not specifically about video games but it’s still worth sharing. I want to keep this blog about video games, but if something bad ass comes along, I’ll probably want to talk about it. So it looks like the U.S. Army is actually testing a real life flying robot sniper. Best part, just like I’ve blogged about in the past, the UAV robot sniper is controlled by an Xbox 360 controller. I only have one question when I read this article on Wired: Where can I get one, and when will I see this in a video game? OK, I lied, that’s two questions but I’m sure they are the same questions that are floating around your head as well.

The official name of this beast is the Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System, or ARSS for short. It comes with a semi-automatic gun mounted on a self-stabilizing turret with a built in camera that can zoom in and out. The new weapon can fire “7 to 10 precisely aimed .338-caliber rounds per second.” OMG, right? OMG indeed. (So glad this weapon is on our side.)

Since this weapon is already a reality, I think this new advanced weapon should definitely see some light of day in the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 military shooter. What say you? I’m thinking, instead of calling in an airstrike, artillery strike, helicopter or a bunch of annoying barking dogs after you get so many kills, why not keep the surprise attack a surprise and bring this bad boy out to play. Can you imagine? I think it could work. You might not get as many kills as you would when you carpet bomb the hell out of your enemies but it can still be very effective depending on how you use it. Maybe they can use it in the campaign, but either way, the name should probably be changed, don’t you think? I can’t imagine during the game, getting my 7th straight kill and announcing to my team, “Don’t worry guys.. I’m calling in the Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System!” That’s just too much of a mouth full. What about Skyper? Y’know, it’s a sniper in the sky so.. uuhh yea. I don’t know, I’m sure I could come up with a whole list of creative and stupid names.

What are some cool names you would call it, and would you want to see this new Army weapon featured in the upcoming Modern Warfare 2?

Tell me what you think about this and the article on Wired in the comments.

Read more on Wired blog…
Read more on Foxnews