Archive for the ‘F9E’ Category


July 14, 2009

After dropping off my car to spend an outrageous amount of money on “normal maintenance” for a used car I only got last year, I headed over to my favorite bagel shop to get an onion bagel, toasted with cream cheese. Mmm.. baageelss. Oh I’m sorry, I’m not really writing this post about a my love for bagels in the morning. I’m really writing this post because of the OC Metro magazine I picked up at the bagel place that featured a list of the best companies to work for in Orange County, California. And what company happens to be in this elite list? The company I have applied at more times than any other company since I graduated from VanArts. Foundation 9 Entertainment.

For those who do not know about F9E.. Google it! No, I’m just playing. Don’t do that, that’s my job. F9E is the biggest independent game developer in the world. The company consists of a bunch of different studios like Amaze Studios in Washington, Backbone Entertainment in Emeryville, Pipeworks in Oregon and the two So. Cal studios, The Collective, and Shiny Entertainment who recently combined to form Double Helix in Irvine. Double Helix, if you recall, is currently working on G.I. Joe the video game. Yea, G.I. mutha f’in Joe! Do you blame me for wanting to work there? I’ve heard lots of good things, and obviously so has OC Metro.

Maybe someday it will happen but it’s good to know that I am applying at companies that really know how to treat their employees well. How well? As you can see from the photo up top, they bring in really flexible women to show you how you’ll never be able to bend and manipulate your body. That doesn’t float your boat you say? It probably would if you spent 12+ hours a day sitting in a chair staring at polygons and pushing & pulling vertices all day on your computer. Massage Monday’s, Yoga Wednesday’s, Ping Pong Friday’s… whatever! Game studios, and other companies in general, should do whatever it takes to keep creativity flowing, and keep their employees stress free so they can perform to the best of their abilities. Other companies and game studios should take notes from Foundation 9 Entertainment. They’re doing it right.

Credit: OC Metro