Archive for the ‘Epic Mickey’ Category


October 13, 2009
Due to Copyright issues, the YouTube video of the time-lapsed Epic Mickey drawing is no longer available. Please click on the Game Informer link

Do you have 3 minutes to turn your head, slightly to the left? Good! It will be worth your time, and the kink in your neck afterwards.

Every video I see, and every concept art sketch I’ve seen from character artists and environment artists like Feng Zhu just makes me want to draw again. I can’t wait to start sketching again next month as I will find myself in new surroundings, a new state. Yep! The Gamer Report is heading back up north and there are some big plans in store for this site.

I haven’t laid out all the details yet, just a bit in my head, but I want to take the next step and upgrade this site. Might be making the switch to WordPress, incorporating a new name, expanding features other than games, and I definitely want to spotlight other game artists out there that have an awesome game art portfolio. It’s extremely hard and frustrating trying to get a job in the industry right now so if I can help in any way by highlighting who you are and your skills, I will do so.

For now, here is some ‘Epic Mickey’ inspiration for you from a very talented artist at Junction Point. Enjoy the epic music as well!

Credit: Game Informer