Archive for the ‘Dmitry Glukhovsky’ Category


October 22, 2009

Ever heard of Metro 2033? No? Me neither. Maybe that’s because we don’t live in Russia. Either that or we just don’t get around to reading books. If we did, I’m sure we would have at least heard of this novel by Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky. Dmitry, huh? Why is everyone in Russia named Dmitry anyway? Dmitry in Russia must be like our John or Steve in the states. I’m getting off the subject here but check out his picture. This guy just looks like he can tell a story, and obviously, he most definitely can. Looks like he could kick a lot of ass at the same time.

Metro 2033 tells the story of a young boy two decades after a nuclear holocaust where the only survivors live underground, in Moscow’s metro train stations. Hence, Metro 2033. Makes total sense now right? The book itself is very popular in Russia and has become even more popular online. THQ and the team at 4A-Games are developing this First Person Shooter based off of the novel, due to be released in early 2010. Not only is this a novel, and a future video game but there are talks for a movie as well. We may be be seeing the early stages of a full on blockbuster franchise here. I look forward to seeing more as the trailer has my full attention. Although gamers have seen the ‘atomic annihilation’ many times before in games, it will be refreshing to see it from a different perspective.