Archive for the ‘CryEngine3’ Category


October 16, 2009

OK Crytek. Enough with the next gen game engine tease already. Where is Crysis 2 and when will Xbox 360 and PS3 owners get to see all your hard work in action? *tick-tock-tick-tock*

Hopefully it won’t be too much longer now as the CryEngine 3 has been released to developers as of yesterday October 15, 2009. Crysis 2 has no set date yet, but it should be out sometime in 2010. Along with a whole other mix of games. I’m curious to see if the new Crysis 2 game will have the same effect on game delays as Modern Warfare 2 had on holiday 2009 titles. Will another military FPS scare away the competition in 2010? With the awesome potential on full display in this video, I wouldn’t be surprised. Not one bit.

Until then, cheers to Crytek for their historic accomplishment. Now get back to work! Console owners want to see this engine in action already.


August 11, 2009

Most of us have probably seen the CryEngine3 in some form or another. It’s very impressive, and it’s obviously getting better and better. Case in point: these two videos recently shown at Siggraph 2009 in New Orleans.

I still remember the first time seeing the CryEngine being demoed back in 2006 and being totally blown away at what they could do in real time. To a point, I still am, although I admit I have not had a chance to play Crysis on the PC to see it first hand (like many others who do not have the top of the line hardware needed to play it). The lighting and shadows of their outdoor environments are definitely the best in the industry. Closest to realism I have seen to date. So I was surprised to see indoor environments shown off instead of the normal shots we’re so used to seeing of large jungles with plenty of vegetation, atmospheric lighting and destructible environments.

With their indoor environments, it’s not as impressive in my opinion. I don’t really see much difference when compared to other top notch game engines. But hey, who am I to judge? It still looks pretty good and like I said, it will only get better. Plus, these videos are very interesting to look at if you’re into game design and you have done mods yourself in the past with similar game engines. Good stuff! I hope you enjoy, even with the typically-dizzying “demo reel” camera moves. Now if we could only see what Crysis 2 will look like on the 360 already… Crytek? EA? We’re waiting. Patiently I might add.