Archive for the ‘commercial’ Category


October 5, 2009

Uncharted 2 shall go down as one of the great defining moments in gaming history, even if you’re like me and won’t even get to play it. (Damn PS3 exclusives!) Eventually though, I’m sure I will play it. The day for my PS3 purchase, though still very hard for me to proceed with, will soon come. And Uncharted 2 will be the first purchase.

There is this new commercial for Uncharted 2 out and I can’t help but notice they went with the ‘stereotypical girlfriend’ routine. You’ll see what I am talking about after watching the short 30 seconds commercial. I don’t know if it’s just me, but girls now days, if not hardcore gamers themselves, seem to know a hell of a lot more about games than they have in the past. I have played with many girls online and have met many girls in the game industry so this whole ‘oh, I didn’t know Uncharted 2 was a video game’ dumb girlfriend commercial is kind of questionable. But still somehow funny to people. I guess there are still some girls out there like this, even though I thought we moved on from that in the industry already. Oh well, whatever helps sell the game, right? Enjoy.