Archive for the ‘Comix Zone’ Category


September 7, 2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the type of game I can get into. When you have developers making a game they have always wanted to make, you know you’re in for a treat. This hilarious trailer full of the sense of humor I truly enjoy is just that game for developers, Twisted Pixel. Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley has been revealed and I ask, “where have you been all my life?”

In the trailer, we don’t really get any impression on what the gameplay will be like. But if the name itself is any clue, it will be a lot like a game I played on SEGA, way back in the day. (Which was a Wednesday) I was so frustrated because I couldn’t remember the name of this game where I jumped from one page in the comic to another. I wanted to write about it six months ago but the name just didn’t come to me. Now that this Comic Jumper trailer came out, I found out the name of this awesome game which may give us some insight on how the Comic Jumper gameplay will be. Any of you ever play Comix Zone? Check out the video below and we may have a better idea on how this game will play out. Obviously updated with better graphics and most definitely not a 2D side scroller but we’ll see. All I know is, I am so stoked to play this game!

What say you?