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July 30, 2009

I hope, somehow, someway, this game is still alive even though the developers, Midway Newcastle, have been shut down since the last time I discussed their videogame trailer. Warner Bros. bought out most of game developer Midway, except for Midway San Diego and Midway Newcastle. But there are still trailers being released for the game they were working hard on right before they closed down, Necessary Force. So what’s going on? Wish I had the answer. Not sure I, or anyone else will get an answer to what will happen with this game.

Until then, all we can do is speculate and enjoy the gameplay video above. It’s not crazy impressive as some videos have been lately, but you can tell it is still in an early stage of development and needed some obvious tweaks. When an enemy you chase just stands there waiting for you to beat him to a pulp, you know the AI still needs a lot of tweaking. With that said, any game that is inspired or somehow resembles Max Payne, is a good thing. This game had hope. Maybe it still does, but again… all speculation.



May 30, 2009

Well looky here looky here my friends. We got’s some gameplay footage courtesy of (It says they’re trailers, but trailers they are not) I wrote about this game a few months back as I was excited to see something like Halo, but on steroids. And from the film I’ve posted above, it looks like that’s exactly what this is. One of the major flaws of Halo, in my opinion of course, is the lack of a sprint function. I never knew it even needed one until COD 4 came out. Going back and forth between those games, it feels like the pace in Halo 3 is in slo-mo compared to it’s more quick paced competitor. The speed featured in this video would be welcomed by me. In this game, and in my beloved Halo 3. Not a full on sprint, but not a jog either.

So here you can see how you will spawn into a multiplayer match. Falling straight out of the sky, superhero style. Very nice. On top of that, the weapons look and sound just fine. Especially the pistol. With regard to the bigger weapon this guy is firing, I’m noticing no major recoil at all. Which is nice sometimes. In some games, recoil can be a bit too exaggerated and I find myself shooting like a wild donkey on stilts. That’s if donkeys had an index finger of course. But you can get the visual… it’s not pretty. But this? Section 8? Lookin’ mighty fine right now. I can’t wait to see more and to learn more about this game, especially the story (there is a story to this right?). It might be trying to be too much like Bungie’s Halo series, but if they can make Halo proud and go above and beyond all expectations of it’s obvious inspiration(which they will need to do, otherwise this will just be called a cheap knock-off)then I’m all for it. Bring on the good times I say!

See two other videos of Section 8 at