Archive for the ‘Cinema Event’ Category


October 7, 2009

You lucky sons of.. man I wish I was living in the Seattle area already! The movie theater at Lincoln Square in Bellevue held an Uncharted 2 event as well as another movie theater in San Francisco. Not only did the people who attended these events get to see the much hyped “best single player experience ever” (so says Adam Sessler of G4) on a huge screen, everyone that attended got their very own copy of the game. 8 days ahead of everyone else. I don’t know about you, but that makes me extremely jealous. Must be nice to live in these cities, being in such close proximity to game industry events.

Now if I attended, I know I don’t own a PS3, but I would have gone out that very same night and bought one just so I could play Uncharted 2. Wouldn’t you? Naughty Dog claims to have maxed out the PS3 with this one and the game is supposed to rival a movie so.. with claims like that, the game surely should rank in at least the top 3 games you’ve ever played. Or are some in the game media just being the game media and hyping this one like they do for almost every new AAA release?

Credit: PlayStation.Blog