Archive for the ‘Bungie’ Category


August 3, 2009

I meant to post this last week but somewhere along the way, I lost my mind. But if you still have yours, then chances are you have already seen the new gameplay trailer for the “I can’t believe it’s coming so fast” September release of Halo 3: ODST. Woo hoo! It’s already August, can you believe it?! Another great video you should check out, if you haven’t already downloaded it for free on Xbox Live Marketplace, is the new ODST Vid Doc that Bungie creates before each game. Bungie has definitely figured out how to work this finely tuned hype machine. I love it!

From the gameplay video above, you can see things have definitely changed from the original Halo 3. It remains to be seen if these changes are for the better. Chances are, they are. In the end though, does it really matter? I mean, I’m going to buy it either way. However, there is one thing I noticed in here that really, really bothers me. It’s the same thing that pissed me off about Ghost Recon 2. The highlighting of characters. The colored outline of all your enemies and even friendlies. I just don’t get why developers need to do that. I understand what Bungie is going for with the new ODST HUD, and his “magical powers” of seeing things through his helmet.. but it turns me off. Hopefully we find out there is a bigger reason for why they implemented this change and I hope it’s a feature you can turn on and off if you don’t find it necessary to use during gameplay. That’s my only gripe about the changes so far. I can’t wait to get ahold of those new weapons though! Cheers my friends..


March 11, 2009

The year: 2001. The town: Palm Desert, California. The store: Bestbuy. The mission: buy a Playstation 2. The outcome? Well, I can now claim that this day was the day that set off a chain of events that have made video games a very important part of my life, and hopefully a full fledged career. I’ve narrowed it down to this one day. Let me explain…

Gran Turismo in high school was my game of choice and the game all of my friends were playing. I was really into the import car racing scene in So. Cal and Gran Turismo was something all of us got into because we could relate to it. We challenged each other to see who could create the better car, who could beat who in a race. We would bet who would win, Imports vs Domestics. (Imports always won of course.) Anyway, this is the game I really wanted the most and the only way I could get my own instead of using my friends was to purchase a Playstation 2. So off to Bestbuy we go.

I was not prepared at all for the sales person on the floor at Bestbuy that day. I came in to buy a Playstation 2 and just like when I shop anywhere else, I wanted to get the hell out of there before I bought anything else, or sign up for a stupid Bestbuy credit card. (I did anyway, such a sucker!) But the damn guy wouldn’t let me buy the damn Playstation! I swear I could have been there for more than an hour with this sales guy trying to talk me into buying an Xbox. An Xbox? Why the hell would I want to buy an Xbox? I don’t even know what it is! So the guy explained.

I couldn’t comprehend why this random person was being so aggressive with this sale. I had money in my hands, I told him what I wanted and the fricken‘ dude refused. He said I needed to buy an Xbox because there were so many games being developed for it and the games were actually better than anything the PS2 had. Then he mentioned the one reason why I needed to walk out of that store, with an Xbox in my hands… Halo. That’s it. Just one word is all you need to know when purchasing the new Xbox. HALO.

So after a few moments (more like 30-40 minutes) of sitting down, contemplating my big game console purchase, and after the guy called me “stubborn” and “thick headed”, the guy actually won me over. I walked out with a console I did not want to buy when I walked into the store that day. How the hell did that happen?

Needless to say, I don’t regret my purchase. AT ALL. That day, that console, that game.. that’s where the addiction started for me. Little did I know back then, what doors would open for me later on in life based off of my love for games, and well.. Halo itself.

We’ve gone through the whole Halo trilogy now and I can definitely say there were some ups and downs along the way. Halo: Combat Evolved was a game I could never get bored with. CE didn’t even have online multiplayer and I was still addicted, playing the campaign over and over. As always, split screen made the game last longer as I could play with my buddy or my girlfriend. It wasn’t until a LAN party (didn’t know what a LAN party was back then) that I truly saw where Bungie was taking Halo multiplayer. The LAN party set up a big projector screen and we played, honestly.. until I was sick.

Then along comes Halo 2 and all hell broke loose. I spent so much time and energy on this game playing multiplayer online. Sometimes I would get so into it, I would become a different person. If any ladies are reading this, please write this down. DO NOT try to have a conversation with your guy friend, boyfriend, fiance, husband… whatever, while he is playing Halo online with his friends. The testosterone levels are sky high and remember on many occasions, snapping at my girlfriend when she dared to interrupt me as I’m trying to “no-scope noobs“. Long story short, it got to a point where I needed to walk away from the game and pay more attention to other important matters in my life. But isn’t that crazy? How can a game do this to people? I guess I understand more why some dude at a Korean internet cafe can die from exhaustion by playing StarCraft or World of Warcraft for hours on end. This game really grabbed a hold of me but I was fortunate enough to realize this and adjust my attitude accordingly.

Finally, Halo 3 approached release day while I was up in Canada. I walked the streets of Downtown Vancouver around 11pm to wait in line at EB Games for my first ever Midnight Launch. I had already experienced the beta thanks to an awesome game called Crackdown. Playing the 3 maps they had released for the beta was more than enough proof I needed to warrant yet another Halo purchase. I knew more good times were ahead as evident in this old beta footage I’ve posted below. This video was recorded on a small camera while sitting in front of my TV so I apologize for the quality, however I hope you enjoy what happens in the video.

Halo 3 is a great game. No doubt about it. I find myself playing H3 in phases though. A lot of my friends got sick of it. Got sick of the cheating, bridging, lagging, standbying.. all of those “ing” words that people accuse other players of. So once my friends get sick of it, I do as well. If I don’t have my friends to play Halo 3 with online, I’m not going to play it by myself. I need to know I have a decent team to back me up because let’s face it, guys don’t like to lose. We play games because it’s challenging and when we lose, we get pissed. (no not drunk pissed, angry pissed.. although now that I think about it, some might get pissed drunk as well, to each his own)

As reported by Major Nelson the other day, Halo 3 is King of Xbox Live
… again. (Halo 3 and Halo 2 on the original Xbox) It seems people do what I do; we go through phases of playing other games besides Halo 3, but once you’re finished with that game, (which is usually pretty quick for those of us with mild to severe A.D.D.) we always fall back on Halo 3 to get our FPS fix. So whether you hate Halo or not, there’s no argument that can be made to reduce the importance and the influence Halo has had on me, the Xbox, Microsoft and online gaming. Unless your argument of course is, ” I stopped playing because Bungie fixed the rocket/sword flying in Halo 2″. Then I would say you have an argument. Why the hell did they take that out anyway? That was so much fun! Bring it back Bungie! That was the one glitch worth turning into an actual playlist. haha.. could you imagine scrolling down the Halo 3 playlists.. Team Slayer, Team Skirmish, Team rocket-sword lunge flying glitch playground. Who knows, maybe Bungie is listening. With or without that, Halo is still King. Will there ever be a Halo killer? There have been many games that claim to be the next Halo killer, but none have really succeeded, and I doubt they ever will. Leave your comments below and let me know your thoughts.


February 20, 2009

The very fortunate guys over at Joystiq just released a YouTube video of the upcoming Halo 3 Mythic Map pack. I’m really digging Assembly. It looks badass, like a mix between Midship and Warlock.. on steroids. I think I’ll have fun pwning in this map. They also show off some of the features of the new map Sandtrap. To me, it looked like a level from Tomb Raider, minus the endless amount of ledges to grab onto. Maybe it’s the lighting? I dunno but I’m not sure about this map. I am not a big fan of Forge so I don’t think I’ll be playing this one too much. Which reminds me, can someone explain why and how they find Forge to be a valuable part of the Halo 3 experience? No one that I have talked to or played matchmaking with, plays Forge. I’ve tried it, but it’s just not intuitive enough for me. I guess if I’m not runnin’ and gunnin’ then I get lost.

Thanks goes out to for getting their hands on this Halo 3 DLC walkthrough. They even had time for a round of golf afterwards. Lucky bastards.