Archive for the ‘Blue Castle Games’ Category


April 28, 2009

I didn’t want to post this video of new Dead Rising 2 Gameplay because I really didn’t like the first Dead Rising. It got old very quickly for me, even more so than killing random pedestrians in GTA. However, new and more ridiculous ways of killing zombies (example of a developer thinking outside the box) especially with what happens at the end of this video, absolutely warrants a quick post to share with all of you. That’s if you’re one of the few people left who have not seen this yet. Best news out of today so far is, in Dead Rising 2, there will be multiplayer. If I can go head to head with my buddies online with both of us in these kamikaze dirt bikes with makeshift chainsaw handlebars you see in this trailer, I do believe that would equal an EPIC win. Enjoy!

Dead Rising 2 is currently being developed by Blue Castle Games in Vancouver, BC.