Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category


March 5, 2009

Why do I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I see a favorite website of mine redesigned and made better than it was before? Am I the only one that gets that feeling? I guess for me it’s the same reason why I love throwing shit away. If I’m not using it and it’s cluttering my room and it has no value to me at all… in the trash. Done, call it a day. Put on Flight of the Conchords. That’s just how I live my life. Simplified. Got to get rid of the clutter before it clutters my mind. It works, try it! Can’t think straight? Clean up your room/office and throw some shit away. You’ll feel much better afterwards.

So I wonder if that’s what Gamasutra did? Got rid of all the clutter and simplified their site. Not that it was cluttered and difficult to navigate, but usually when a site gets redesigned, it’s for the better. I don’t know, but I’m going to go check it out. Thought I’d let you know. Alright? Glad we had this talk, let’s do it again sometime. Cheers and beers.

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