Archive for the ‘Bioshock 2’ Category


April 10, 2009

I remember playing Bioshock when it first came out and wasn’t really impressed with it as much as my friends were. I actually got pretty bored with it and never really cared to finish the whole game. I think I got half way through. That’s not to say that I don’t like the idea/story behind the game or that I don’t want to play the sequel. Checking out this new gameplay footage from, it looks pretty much the same as the first Bioshock. But there is a specific part that blew me away, I think you’ll be able to tell which part I’m talking about when you see it.

I think for me, with the first Bioshock, there were just too many options to have to deal with. All the weapons, all the injections, hacking etc. It was just too convoluted, I never knew what I was supposed to be doing. Call me simple-minded I guess, but whatever happened to fun games where you just have to use a couple of buttons? Y’know, you remember, either A or B? Now it’s a combination of 8 different buttons, triggers, stick clicks and D-pad pressing. It drives me crazy sometimes, but I think I will give Bioshock another chance when this sequel comes out. What about you? Are you going to buy this or just give it a quick rental?