Archive for the ‘Battlestar Galactica’ Category


April 2, 2009
This is some really awesome news from Capcom and a positive sign of things to come. For those of you who are not familiar with the Battlestar Galactica Sci-Fi TV series, you will soon hear the sounds of what made BSG so special. Capcom announced that the composer for BSG, Bear McCreary, (what a name!) has signed on to score the highly anticipated third person action-shooter, Dark Void. Developed by Airtight Games.

Bear has never composed a score for a video game before but he has always wanted to. Finally, a game worthy enough for him to create into a Sci-Fi soundtrack masterpiece, has arrived.


“When I got the call from Capcom to work on the music for Dark Void, I jumped at the chance to do it, considering my love for Capcom games.” said McCreary. “I have been looking for the opportunity to compose a game score for a long time, but I’ve been waiting for the right one. Dark Void’s epic story and unique gameplay drew me in immediately and I have had a lot of fun working on the project.” (

Check out the video below of Bear McCreary explaining his approach to scoring his very first video game, Dark Void.

Read more of the in-depth interview over at GameSpot…